Åsa Andersson Broms

Åsa Andersson Broms | Sweden, artist based in Stockholm. Her practice moves freely between photography and sculpture, between media and materiality. Her artistic work is often characterized by a curious and inquired exploration of the impact and use of media, such as the creation of collective visions and the use of illusions as a tool for power. New technology has always played an important role in her practice. She works as a Senior Lecturer in the field of public domains at the Department of Digital Media and Photography at Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. In recent years, she has developed and run several courses on advanced level. Ongoing 60hp is Materialities; energies. The course problematizes and deepens knowledge in digital and optical technologies between materiality and immateriality in relation to energies. In addition, she works with production and artistic director of exhibitions for institutions and museums, such as Jewish Museum, The Swedish Travel Exhibition, Living History Forum, Nordic Museum etc. She works allegorically to integrate the language of art into new domains where perspective of knowledge can grow. Alternative places for contemporary art have always been important in her practice, such as the Internet. In 1996, she became one of the founders of the Association for Temporary Art [a:t], a forum for presenting and discussing contemporary art where the public domain and internet hade a key role. Association for Temporary Art conducted several attached projects aimed to broaden public discourse through an artistic context, see www.temporaryart.org

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